15 years ago we said I do.
I do to in sickness and in health.
I do for richer for poorer.
I do to in good times and in bad.
I do for better or worse.
We knew on that day, there were going to be times of sickness just like there would be healthy times. We prayed our way through the sick times and we lived our way through the healthy times. We knew there would be days when we would have excess cash to spend to travel the world and we would knew there would be days when we would have to live on a budget. We knew we would always have good days and unfortunately we would also have bad days. But we were blessed that our good days out numbered the bad. We knew sometimes it would be better and sometimes it would be worse but we made through all of it together.
Together. The two of us loving each other through everything. The two of us making our marriage a priority. Never leaving without saying "I love you." Never going to sleep at night without a good night kiss. Even when were separated due to work or hospital stays, there wasn't a night that we didnt speak or send a good night text. We agreed early on that we would never go to bed angry and we didn't. There were some nights we sat up talking for hours to work it out and work it out we did. I am so proud of our marriage. I can honestly say I was loved everyday, how wonderful is that?
I wish you were here to celebrate this anniversary with me. For 14 wonderful years we celebrated this special day, our day of love. Unfortunately this year, I will celebrate it alone. Last year was technically my first anniversary without you but you planned ahead and left me a wonderful gift. This year unfortunately there will be no surprise, no little reminder. This year will truly be the first year I celebrate alone. Celebrating without you. I'm not quite sure how to celebrate alone but I do know I will honor our love, our marriage, our vows.
15 years ago we exchanged our vows.
We vowed to love one another till death do us part.
Unfortunately, I know the pain of the grief that comes when those vows become a reality. I know the emptiness and loneliness of outliving my spouse. But I am honored that you loved me till forever. Death cannot end our love. Today, I will celebrate our love. Today I will celebrate us, I will celebrate our marriage.
Happy Anniversary my love!
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